John D Mulraney: Artist
I've had an early interest in art, drawing and painting from a young age. My interest grew in school and was followed by a GNVQ in Art and Design at Wigan & Leigh College, and a HND in film & Television, developing in Film work and Animation at NEWI.
In 2018 I established my passion and found a studio at Falcon Mill (FaMAS) alongside a community of artists that has helped my mind and reinvigorate my love of painting.
My work incorporates psychological examination of personal experience and also observation. I enjoy exploring a variety of techniques and materials in the production of paintings, drawings and pyrography. The resulting work varies in style in direct response to changing stimuli.
My visuals are more expressionism and abstract. I try to make the viewer experience something different from every angle observed and every capture of light. Simply to just provoke a thought and make them ask their own questions.
This is my expression on how life is never constant and can change from each person’s perception to the next.
This is also the beauty of life, for each of us to have our own experiences and thoughts.
“Judge not what you think, but what you see, for life is just an experiment”
JDM 1996